so this weekend jess and i house/dog sat. it was good, and really relaxing. we mostly laid around, grilled out tons, and watched tons of cable, and drank some too. but really that is all we could ask for. this was jess' first weekend since starting school, and i have been needing a break from work. ideally we prefer a quiet weekend, so when we can do so, we go for it. today may have been our only day of really running around(aside from friday, where we had to drop off jess' laptop at the apple store). today we went to breakfast at the
warrenville pancake house, one of our fave diners. and then drove back home. after we settled and put all of our stuff back(one nice thing about house/dog sitting, is that we get our laundry done!), i rode my bike back to my mom's to finish watching the house/dog. since jess has school and work tomorrow, it would have been a very busy morning if i had to drive her back to aurora before i went to work(in wheaton). so this way, i can just ride my bike to work, and then ride it back home after work.
here's some random things...last week we sent out a
package of vegan goodies to someone in france, well he already got them, and we are going to be getting some french vegan goodies soon! also, i got a new shirt and some new deadformat stickers last week:

my sister in-law amie is
getting her blog on nowadays and recently
posted about brayden having a great time at a carnival! check it, he looks so adorable! also, you'll see i added
kevin's blog to our list of friends, and he recently posted a
good pic of his work(read: my new tattoos, DUH!) this weekend i was lucky enough to touch base with
my buddy ben, which i play mean phone tag with. in fact, all my friends that live more than a stone throws away, know i am really bad about keeping in touch now that i have a really weak phone plan(300anytime mins, and only free weekends). so it was nice to hear from ben!
so tonight, jess and i will be reminiscing of the days when we were separated by hundreds of miles and only getting to see each other for days at a time, while we talk on the phone and
watch intervention, thankful that we are merely a 40min bike ride apart. life is wonderful.