well before i talk about the laid back part, lets talk about bike accidents as it relates to cars. today as jess and i were pulling into our parking garage we witnessed a bicyclist getting struck by an SUV. because i ride my bike to work frequently, i am an obvious advocate for the cyclist who was struck. i also must admit that knowing that i ride my bike so much, maybe my clarity of the event wasn't clear, but what i saw was a bike rider being careful as she approached a blind corner and a SUV driver approaching an intersection without consideration for pedestrians or cyclist. the cyclist was alright, just shook up. her husband was with her and comforted her. i got out of my car to make sure she was alright, and flagged down a county police officer. i stayed around to give my witness statement, and offered my sympathy and support to the biking couple(and my obvious disdain for four wheel vehicles and their drivers who are oblivious to bike riders and bipeds). the bike couple opted not to press charges(or make a police report) though i had encouraged the husband that it might be a good idea, but they figured that since everyone was physically alright(the bike riders bike was un-ridable) that they wanted to just exchange info and be on their way.
since the biking couple was miles away from their vehicle and the wife's bike was not in riding condition, i offered to drive them to geneva(where they had started their bike ride). they were very happy to have someone to help them, and i was humbled by how thankful they were. i strapped my bike rack on the mini and threw their bikes on the rack and drove them to geneva. on the ride we chatted. it was nice. not that i felt proud or big headed, just that i felt this was what humans are supposed to do. we see someone in need, we respond. i obviously wanted to advocate strongly for my fellow bike riders, but it was comforting just to know that my existence meant something. when we got to their car, i got their bikes off the rack, and said my goodbyes. the woman asked if they could do anything to compensate me, and i said i really couldn't think of anything. i told her and her husband to be safe. she asked if she could give me a hug, and i said sure. we hugged, and i felt as close to a stranger as a human could. i drove off knowing i will most likely never see them again.
ok...now other things:
on thursday we went over to nancy's house to meet each other's mutual partner's. jess had never met nancy and i had never met her fiance brian. we had a great time catching up. we also had a wonderful time making homemade bruschetta together and eating that with french bread. nancy was nice enough to let us raid her garden, and we also had a great time playing with all of nancy and brian's many pets.
friday i had a vacation day. so i spent that day cleaning, doing laundry and running. it was perfect. after jess' work we went out to dinner to our most favorite indian restaurant. it was so good. and it was excellent because the staff there was extra helpful and attentive. they explained a new appetizer to us, they went out of their way to make sure we were taken care of. nothing is more comforting than being a regular at one of your favorite restaurants.
saturday we went to lush to pick up some bath stuff for my mom and some staple items for ourselves. we then stopped at the an antique mall and got quite a lot of pyrex and got our friend ryan his birthday present. we then wondered around the mall, and ran into a couple old friends(betsy and seth) and then i had one of the most annoying/gratifying experiences of my life. here it goes:
i was talking on my cell phone as we were leaving the mall. we pass a vonage kiosk, and one of the sales people looks at me straight in the eye(as i am on the phone), and starts talking to me. and i yell at the top of my lungs with about fifty mall folks around me, "I'M ON THE FREAKIN' PHONE DUDE!" and kept walking. the guy was visibly shocked and embarrassed. and goodness that felt good. the only thing that compares to this gratification is flipping off our share of hummers this weekend. after the mall, we went to kiss the sky and i got a few lps:
broken social scene s/t
broken social scene"spirit if..."
nico chelsea girl
oberst, conor s/t
wolf parade on mount zoomer
beck modern guilt
mates of state re-arrange us
ting tings we started nothing

and then when we got home, we had a pizza and wings watched one of our favorite movies. we drank rootbeers from our favorite brewer. we listened to some of the records we bought and i washed jess' new pyrex. overall great night.
today we have been watching law and order SVU dvds, the first season. jess dyed her hair and have been laying down[she's feeling kinda sicky :(], and i have been transcribing all my poetry onto my other blog. tonight we will watch some simpsons and family guy and have a good sunday before another week of work ensues.
goodness if you read all this, you do not have A.D.D
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