
NOT 60 degrees!

today ryno & i biked/ran to jewel in what was definitely not 60 degrees! we were troopers even when i thought we'd never make it... and our determination paid off! we got a $25 gift card for filling my prescription there and bought some brussels sprouts, kale, kitty food, and larabars for during the week when i'm going to be working some extra hours...

we had a nice relaxing day at home watching house, listening to records and, as always, cuddling with the kitties. after a nice yummy dinner (veganomicon tempeh shepardess pie), we decided to go out and alloted ourselves both a $50 spending allowance. ryno naturally chose records while i opted for some (discount!) cooking/food stuffs...

pictured: five quart pressure cooker (hello 20 minute dhal!), italian coffee maker, organic fair trade decaf coffee, garlic press (mine broke!), mini muffin/cupcake pan, plastic spatula, and smoked paprika.

for $50 i think i did pretty damn good!

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