so tomorrow will be halloween. a day that means very little to me now that i am older. it has been since my freshmen year of college since i went trick or treating(13 years ago, wow). last year i dressed up as jack white of the white stripes. i believe it was a decent costume, but then again i don't think any one that i ran into that day know who i was(which is a factor when you choose your costume, to make sure that the people you will be in the company of know what you are dressing up as). tomorrow i will dress up like a mechanic and jess will dress up like a '50s pin-up gal. she will look smashing and i will look dirty. as usual.
everything is going swimmingly with my new job. i think i am getting the hang of everything, getting to know new clients and new co-workers, learning new processes. i feel like i have so much to learn still, and find myself feeling anxiety occasionally, but by and large i am a lot more comfortable that i was when i began. the commute of two miles is wonderful, especially when i work the 12pm to 10pm shifts. knowing that i am a five minute drive away from parking the car and crawling under the covers with my pandagirl and kitties. my schedule is a lot different, which by and large is great also. working ten hour days isn't too bad, especially when the trade off is 4 day weekends every other week.
tonight i am listening to
stars of the lid. their sounds would best be described as ambient and minimalist, and slightly discordant. their music, is sweeping, and epic.

it washes over you, and cleans and irks you. it makes you think of the times where you could only here your own internal dialogue and perhaps the sound of distant winds or water pouring so fast from a faucet that it makes a whining noise. it paints a soundscape with a haunting pull, not quite as dark as
godspeed you black emperor, but perhaps with a bit more elusiveness and mystery. tonight i am listening to their 2001 release '
the tired sounds of..." and it seems perfect for this night, and the deluge of change and newness that it is appropriate.
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