so i finally got my lap-top back last week, and i have been gleefully updating and frustrating over my computer. i basically had to start from nothing. but was fortunate enough to have nearly everything backed up. and when i say everything, i mean tons of music(70+ gigs worth) all my pics and scans[except my most recent ones, so i need to re-scan some polaroids:(], all my word docs and even microsoft word. i also had to download my driver for my printer, and update all this junk. basically my computer is now fully functional and works better than it ever has.
so what has been going on you ask? mostly i have been adjusting to a new job. which means a new schedule. which means new people. which means a hell of a lot. as far as work goes, it is a matter of feeling comfortable, getting your own pace, and learning new processes. those are the typical stresses i have been going through. so although annoying and a bit stressful, also normal. my bike ride has obviously been shorter, which means my commute overall is great. i feel as if i work as much at my last job(time wise) becuz i spend far less time en route(even though my new daily shifts are 10 hrs not 8hrs), so in the end i spend about the same amount of time at work than my last job, just one less day. all in all i would say i have traded up, especially when you consider how much gas i am saving.
jess has been doing superb on watch watchers, and i am so proud of her. she really helps me, because i am doubly conscious of what i am putting in my body and doing with my body. so i have been working on being more consistent with running, even more now that i don't get tons of biking in. and as soon as my work routine sets in(i have trainings off and on throughout the month), i think it will be easier for me to take care of me.
as jess mentioned below, i was able to stop at
reckless records a few days ago. it was nice, to shop and buy some records that i have been looking forward to. i won't list them all, because i would get carpel tunnel, but here are some stand outs.
deerhoof : offend maggie[oh my goodness! beautiful pop, great drumming, pretty silly vocals] this is my introduction to this band, and they have been around for years, so i have been sleeping on this one, and need to play catch up, BIG TIME] highly-bear-recommended!
jandek : ready for the house[beautiful folk, dark haunting vocals, sparse arrangements, jandek has released over 50 albums in his 30 year recording career. this is a repressing of his first album. so great. not many of his albums available on vinyl, but this is wonderful. this is great for anyone that enjoys nick drake, jurado, and anyone who appreciate rock/folk music history. and most of all anyone who enjoys timeless music/art. not to mention
jandek himself, is a bit of an enigma, being mostly a recluse and not touring much in his prolific 30 year career, and self releasing all his albums. an amazing artist] bear-recommended!
son, ambulance : euphmystic[son, ambulance released this album in 2001, at the height of saddle creek's success and when every teenager wanted to boo hoo to bright eyes. this album may be one of saddle creek's most overlooked albums, if not bands. the mainstay of son, ambulance is joe knapp, who has played drums for bright eyes, and is a brilliant pianist/song writer. each song has pop and rock sensibilities in the likeness of the beach boys, but with a wispy darkness. every song feels familiar, even if it is your first time hearing it. the stories he sings, and the diverse vocal harmonies are pretty and intriguing. just plain beautiful. and for those who are interested, connor oberst has a nice vocal cameo in the last track of the album, which is done very well. so to those who like great piano-layered-folk/pop-rock, check this out.] highly-bear-recommended!
this weekend i have off from work, so that will be lovely. jess and i will probably do lots of bike/running, and relax. we need it, and we freakin' deserve it!
oh, one more bit of great news.
amie(my sister-in-law) is going to be having another boy(a brother for brayden), so we are very happy for her. and look forward to being wonderful uncle-rynos and aunt-gessos to him!