our whirlwind trip to DC for polly's wedding was great! we left right after ryan got out of work at friday and set out for what would turn out to be a pretty crazy 12 hours! the first few hours went great until the weather shifted and and we drove threw what we later found out was a tornado! we nearly ran out of gas in ohio because the gas station we stopped at had no electricity, goodness! after some illegal u-turns and crazy driving, we were back on our way. things went rather swimmingly despite our own exhaustion but we kept trucking despite having to sleep in a mcdonald's parking lot for an hour just outside of the city. when we were driving through pennsylvania and maryland, it was already very late and so so dark, not to mention the fog!

we got into DC around 7 AM, walked around for a bit, and killed some time until
sticky fingers opened! we split a sticky bun, an everything bagel with tofutti cream cheese, and i had a yummy cupcake & the best soy cappuccino ever! i also had
temptation vegan soft serve, which was pretty much the best thing in the universe!
its so nice to be able to go into a place and order anything off the menu without having to worry about ingredients... sticky fingers is definitely an inspiration and even more motivation to open my own vegan shop!

the treats were great, as expected... everything was perfect! unfortunately ryan wasn't able to get a chili dog like he wanted to, but i'll make my own interpretation this week to satiate the craving! they also had things like vegan breakfast sandwiches plus tons of other bakery/pastry items and cookies. unfortunately we didn't get to sample everything but i would definitely have loved to! we had to leave room for our lunch at
java green! ryan had the turkey/bacon club with some popcorn "chicken" and i had the "temptation" grilled tempeh sandwich with a side salad. also very yum!

we also went and saw the pandas, which was the GREATEST THING EVER! the pandas were great, and the one panda was a total ham! he climbed the tree and huffed and puffed and totally loved the attention from the "audience"! we watched him munch on some bamboo and play in the water, too!

the wedding was lovely and it was great to meet some of ryan's friends. we both had great time despite some driving frustration (google maps is very unreliable, we've found out) and my dress being wrinkled! we ended up getting dressed in a starbucks bathroom and i put makeup on in the car in what was 100+ degree heat... overall a great time with some ups & downs along the way but everything worked out great. we took a hybrid cab back to the hotel since we both had a buzz going and ended up crashing around 9. we woke up, had a breakfast, and head out at 7. needless to say we made great time, and were back home before 6.
best 48 hour vacation of my life!
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