so in the last few days i decided to start riding my bike to work, thursday went great. it took an hour and half to get there, and an hour twenty minutes to get back on thursday. on friday however, things did not go so smoothly. i crashed my bike on the way to work. my bike ride is about 16 miles and i crashed about half
way there. now the pain aside, my intial feelings were how inconvienced i was, with blood running down my left knee and my left hand, i dusted my self off, straightened out my handle bars, and got back on my bike. when i got to work i bandaged myself (with help from a co-worker) and did the work thing and then biked to batavia to have thai with my long story short, my knee and my hand look like raw hamburger . and goodness do i want to not move. but i figure just like the old saying goes. when you fall off the horse-bike, you have to get back on. truer words have never been spoken.
this weekend has been productive for jess and i, we each got some fun thrift shopping...jess got some fun cooking items and a new top and i got some new pants and a few new shirts. and i also got to stop at
kiss the sky to pick up
radiohead's the bends. which is a solid classic nineties album, that i finally picked up.
so great weekend, we had mostly relaxing times. defintly could use another couple days of simple pleasures(with out the bike accident of course!).
by the way, the way i take to work, is called the
prairie path. and here is the map of my journey, including the trek i take, and where i died:

this week i plan on biking all week, lets hope i can survive!